It’s strange because
I didn’t even know you.
But I saw our lives flash before I could blink
our children’s eyes
you walking through the threshold of my childhood home
my daddy shaking your hand
your smile before you kissed me goodnight
you quitting the job you hated and me helping you to greater things
me painting our room your favorite color
you dabbing some paint on my nose
a summer, then
a life of adventure
and finally
someone to love me.
Why I thought that it would be you
I don’t know.
Maybe I’m just desperate
maybe I’m just seeing things
But I thought I saw your mouth curve
in the way that says “I like you”
but that was just a dream, apparently
I would’ve loved to know
the you I imagined in my head
or any you at all, really
I've lost most senses of my good qualities
and I'm not really one to boast
but if you gave me a chance
maybe you'd see what I see
hint: our children's eyes are brown.
Alright, okay, that’s fine, I get it
Don’t worry about me, I’m fine
I put on a brave face because how silly would it be
to cry about
a man I didn’t even know.