3. Peace

3. Peace (song)                                                                                                      



Give me peace

Give me peace

in the dark, Lord, in the dark, Lord

give me peace

Give me strength

in the night

you’re the only one I know can satisfy.



it’s a feeling that I have known too rarely

it’s a feeling that I’ve struggled with to see

it’s a feeling that is deeper than a feeling

that I wish could settle deep inside of me



Give me peace

Give me peace

in the dark, Lord, in the dark, Lord

give me peace

Give me strength

in the night

you’re the only one I know can satisfy.



it’s a feeling that I’ve rarely known in all my life

it’s a feeling that I long to satisfy

There’s unrest within my soul that I can’t tie up with a bow

and say that it’s okay



maybe I’ve never known what living is

maybe I’ve never known what forgiving is

maybe I’ve never found where I should settle down

maybe I’ve never found you.