the stars surprise me
by lingering a little
they look as sunshine
in the blue sky
maybe happiness can live
in the dark
the stars surprise me
by lingering a little
they look as sunshine
in the blue sky
maybe happiness can live
in the dark
always almost alive
broken breaths beneath blue skies
cloudy comfort of a coffee color
delicious desire devours me
father eternity explores the world
his angels at hand
laughs at fools
who say they know life
good things happen
hearts can heal
the grass is green
where you are
dirt dazzles me
those men were poison
but breath to me
I remember blue skies
blooming red
starry eyes and
fooling kisses
everything I am
is no longer sacred
& after all
angels are barefoot
when they are born
the soft naked night
whispers of breezes and warmth
poetry finds fire
prisoner of possibility
I need concrete comfort
vision and magic never happen
and love does not linger
bring me no dreams with champagne
I have yet to believe
look long and hard
at the flowers in bloom
the blue sky reborn
after rain
the blushing breeze
a world of possibility
where souls can embrace
after almosts & always
my eyes find it hard
to believe
joy lies day by day
hope makes me feel like a fool
this is the love of a man
melt the moment
with a wild voice
saying words of fever
devouring dreams
I cannot do anything
but smile so soft
and drink so slow
a broken window
can bring about peace and joy
it is brilliant art
how young were we
when we could fly
the dark colored
like a blue sky
time would not listen
explore the good
trust like only a child can
let morning cups of coffee
be your happiness
caramel your comfort
poetry your peace
make the simple like the
bliss of eternity
throbbing ghost voice wakes
we laugh but she has not words
a man to breathe life
- a haiku for your tuesday
I remember
your candy breath
red hot fever
you would drink cloudy champagne
with angel lips
my green eyes
and porcelain blush
could not wet the fire
magic blazes through the grass
her velvet belly
warming oceans
kissing flowers
melting steel souls
celebrates life
and dazzles joy
he is almost marble
eyes of liquid stars
lingers like smoke
in his eternity
I will never heal
if today brings a friend
to my soul
simple love
I would give
I could feel
always be a star
for when good drains
they dare me to be happy
as if a blue sky can bring peace
but bliss tastes like grass after the rain
I almost believe